Improve your programming skill with PHP 8 (Features, Improvements, and the JIT Compiler)
The majority of websites are made in PHP that is one of the programming languages which developed with built-in web development capabilities. The new language features included in PHP 8 makes it simpler for our programmers to upgrade the speed of their web application essentially without deploying additional resources. PHP 8 is a new version that will be released in December 2020, which implies that it will present some breaking modifications, just as new features and performance improvements. Now, PHP 8 is in feature freeze, which means no new features can be added any longer. Because of the breaking changes, there is a higher possibility for us; we will have to make certain improvements in our code to make it run on PHP 8.
Many RFCs have already been approved and executed, so it is the ideal opportunity for us to fall into, some of the most exciting additions that will make PHP more reliable and faster. If you want to update with the latest releases though, the upgrade should not be excessively hard, since most breaking changes have expostulated before in the 7.* versions. Other than breaking changes, PHP 8 also brings a nice set of new features, for example, the JIT compiler, attributes, union types, and many more.
However, what kind of features and improvements should we need with PHP8? What are the biggest things that will come with PHP 8 with the next major release of language?
Let's fall in!
Table of Contents
1. PHP JIT (Just in Time Compiler)
2. PHP 8 Improvements and New Features
3. New PHP Functions
4. Additional RFCs
What is PHP JIT (Just in Time Compiler)? How can we know about it?
Do we have an idea about PHP JIT? What is the main objective of PHP JIT? However, that is the most approved feature coming with PHP 8 is the Just-in-time (JIT) compiler. The RFC proposal stated it as follows;
"JIT" is a strategy that will aggregate pieces of the code at runtime, so that the accumulated version can be used instead. That is implemented almost on an independent part of OPcache. At PHP compile-time and run-time, PHP JIT may be enabled or disabled. PHP files of enabled native code are saved in an extra region of the OPcache shared memory and op_array→opcodes [].handler(s) that keep JIT-ed code pointers to the entry points".
What is the difference between OPcache and JIT and how will we get it?
For our better understanding of how JIT works with PHP, let's have a look at how PHP improved from the source code to the outcomes.
Four stages process is required for PHP execution:
Lexing/Tokenizing: At the initial stage, the PHP code reads by the interpreter and develops a set of tokens.
Parsing: At the 2nd stage, the interpreter checks that either the script matched with the syntax rules or used tokens developed an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that is a hierarchical representation of the structure of source code.
Compilation: At the 3rd stage, AST nodes translate and traversed by the interpreter into low-level Zend opcodes that are numerical identifiers finding out the sort of instruction performed by the Zend VM.
Interpretation: At the last stage, with Zend VM Opcodes are interpreted and run.
The basic PHP execution process shows a visual representation with the following image;
However, how does PHP make it faster with OPcache? What modifications required for the execution process with JIT?
The OPcache Extension
JIT — The Just in Time Compiler
What is the OPcache Extension? How can we use it?
PHPs' fundamental quality is that it is interpreted into executable codes that are called OPcodes. PHP OPcache accommodates fast development without waiting to compile the code with each change that is made. Every time recompiling the identical code makes the process slow and inefficient. To tackle this, the opcode is used, which are PHP extensions that save the compiled code output. So when in future, it runs, PHP checks if any progressions are made, and afterward, it runs the cached copy of the code. With this code, we will save our additional time, and save wasting CPU resources.
The PHP interpreter runs through the 4 stage process with OPcache enabled, but here we discussed only the first time the script runs. Since PHP, byte codes are stored in shared memory can be executed on the Zend VM right away as a low-level intermediate representation.
By default, the Zend OPcache extension is available as for PHP 5.5 and we can check it if we correctly configured it simply by calling phpinfo() from a script on our server or checking out our php.ini file (see OPcache configuration settings).
How can we Improve PHP Memory Limit in Word Press?
What is preloading? How does it work?
With PHP 7.4, OPcache support for preloading was added, a feature that could improve the performance of your code efficiently. More or less, this is the way it works:
- To preload documents, we have to write custom PHP content.
- Once on server startup, this script is executed.
- All preloaded documents are accessible in memory for all requests.
- Changes made to preloaded documents will not have any impact until the server is restarted.
Let's have a look at it in depth with JIT and PHP moves.
What is the main objective of JIT — the Just in Time Compiler?
The primary thought behind the release of this new version is a redesign of the internal APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) with the goal that the code could generally profit by being used in a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. It does exclude JIT capacities with a new branch known as phpng, or maybe, it tries to tackle the issues that as of now keep the executor from accomplishing ideal execution by tidying up some of the core APIs and improving overall memory usage.
For improving the performance of interpreted programs just-in-time, the compilation method is used. During execution, the program might be accumulated into native code to improve its performance. It is also called dynamic compilation. The dynamic compilation has a few points of interest over the static gathering. When running C# applications or Java, the runtime environment can profile the application while it is being run. This takes into consideration more advanced code to be created. The runtime environment can recompile the code if the behavior of the application changes while it is running. Some of the disadvantages during runtime include startup delays and the overhead of compilation. Many JIT compilers only compile the code ways that are frequently used.
How many calculations would be faster with JIT by Zeev Surasky, co-author of the PHP JIT proposal? For this purpose, kindly check the link that is But, will word press performance effectively improved by JIT.
What can we do with JIT for Live Web Apps?
If we want to improve our PHP performance then we just need implementation of just-in-time RFC complier? Will we experience such kind of improvement in real-life apps such as word press? However, the initial test shows that JIT will make CPU-intensive workloads that run efficiently faster, so that's why, the RFC warns: "… such as the older attempts – currently it doesn't seem to efficiently improve real-life apps like WordPress (with opcache.jit=1235 326 req/sec vs 315 req/sec). Additional efforts required with improving JIT for real-life apps, using speculative and profiling optimizations."
As per Nikita Popov:
"Generally in the RFC, the JIT compiler advantage is effectively sketched out”.
For numerical code, significantly better execution.
For "normal" PHP web application code slightly better execution.
If PHP will presently be adequate, fast the potential to move more code from C to PHP.
While JIT will barely carry colossal enhancements to Word Press execution, it will be redesigning PHP to the following level, making it a language many functions can be written directly. The main disadvantage will be the greater complexity that will enhance the maintenance cost, debugging, and stability.
As per Dmitry Stogov:
"The level of whole PHP complexity enhanced with new sort of risky bugs and cost of maintenance and development even JIT is an extremely easy process"
The proposition to remember JIT for PHP 8 passed with 50 to 2 votes. PHP 8 is releasing later this year. Check out our deep dive with PHP 8 new features.
How to know about PHP 8 Improvements and New Features?
Rather than JIT, we expected many updated features and improvements with PHP 8. Let check the following list which is our handpicked selections for the upcoming additions and modifications that should make PHP 8 more effective and reliable;
Constructor Property Promotion
Validation for Abstract Trait Methods
Incompatible Method Signatures
Arrays Starting With a Negative Index
Union Types 2.0
Consistent Type Errors for Internal Functions
throw Expression
Weak Maps
Trailing Comma in Parameter List
Allow class syntax on objects
Attributes v2
How will we do Constructor Property Promotion?
If we will want to simplify the property declaration, making it smallest and less redundant then how will we improve in PHP object ergonomics that will be possible with the Constructor Property Promotion RFC with its new and more concise syntax? That proposal only contacts with promoted parameters such as those strategically prefixed parameters with private, public, and protected visibility keywords. Before we can use those parameters with objects recently, multiple times all properties have to be revised a minimum of four times. From the RFC consider the following example;
Class Smartgators {
public int $x;
public int $y;
public int $z;
public function __construct(
int $x = 0,
int $y = 0,
int $z = 0,
) {
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
$this->z = $z;
As per Nikita Popov, the author of the RFC stated that we need to write a minimum of four times in three multiple places the property name such as the declaration, the constructor parameters, and the property assignment. Particularly, in classes, an ideal number of properties with more descriptive names is not usable in this syntax.
According to this RFC, we need to merge the constructor and the parameter definition. However, we will have a more effective method of declaring parameters and the code in PHP 8 that we can see above and that can modify as shown below:
Class Smartgators {
public function __construct(
public int $x = 0,
public int $y = 0,
public int $z = 0,
) {}
As Nikita stated that, we have multiple updated ways to promote properties that are simple, shorter, more readable, and free to prone errors. We are doing a simple syntactic transformation that deducts the amount of boilerplate code so we have to write for value objects in particular.
The property assertion is changed as we will explicitly announce those properties and we can also use the Reflection API to introspect property definitions before the execution (see Desugaring):
Reflection (and other contemplation instruments) will observe the state after desugaring. This implies that advanced properties will show up the similar path as expressly proclaimed properties, and advanced constructor contentions will show up as standard constructor contentions
// before desugaring
class Smartgators {
public function __construct(public int $x = 0) {}
// after desugaring
class Point {
public int $x;
public function __construct(int $x = 0) {
$this->x = $x;
What is Inheritance and how will we use it?
For the promotion of parameters, we have no limitation for using inheritance in conjunctions. However, there is no special relationship between a child class and parent class constructors. As Nikita stated that;
Generally, we say that the method or strategies which we used must be comparable with the parent method. However, this rule is not applied to the constructor because that will belong to a single class, and constructors between parent and child class could not have to be compatible with each other.
Example is here;
class Smartogators {
public function __construct(
public int $x = 0
) {}
class Child extends Test {
public function __construct(
public int $y = 0,
public int $z = 0,
) {
What does not enabled With Promoted Properties in PHP 8?
Promoted properties are an updated syntax in PHP 8 that allows constructer assignments and property declaration from the constructer but that does not allow abstract constructors and its features. So, that's why multiple limitations are discussed here.
Can Abstract Constructor have an abstract class?
An abstract class is a class that is partially used by programmers that consist of only one abstract method in which there is no actual code. In abstract class, only names and parameters included that has been set as "abstract.” However, in abstract class and interfaces promoted properties are not allowed.
abstract class Smartgators {
// Error: Abstract constructor.
abstract public function __construct(private $x);
interface Test {
// Error: Abstract constructor.
public function __construct(private $x);
What is Null ability? How do we can use it?
In PHP 8, nullable types are supportive, but not implicitly. Null able properties are promoted at constructors but in PHP 7 that is not supported.
But with property types, in PHP 8 we don't use this implicit behavior because property declaration is necessary for promoted parameters and the nullable type must be explicitly declared instead of implicitly. Here is the example from the RFC;
class Smartgators {
// Error: Using null default on non-nullable property
public function __construct(public Type $prop = null) {}
// Correct: Make the type explicitly nullable instead
public function __construct(public ?Type $prop = null) {}
Does Callable Type support in PHP 8?
In PHP 8 callable type is not a supported type for properties, in promoted properties, we do not allow to use of this;
class Test {
// Error: Callable type not supported for properties.
public function __construct(public callable $callback) {}
Why does var Keyword Not Allowed?
With promoted parameters, only a visibility keyword can be allowed, however, declaring constructor properties with the var keyword is not allowed. For this purpose, from the RFC see the following example;
class Smartgators {
// Error: "var" keyword is not supported.
public function __construct(var $prop) {}
Why is no Duplication Allowed in PHP 8?
In PHP 8, promoted properties and explicit properties are merged in a similar class, but we can't declare properties twice:
class Smartgators {
public string $prop;
public int $explicitProp;
// Correct
public function __construct(public int $promotedProp, int $arg) {
$this->explicitProp = $arg;
// Error: Redeclaration of property.
public function __construct(public string $prop) {}
Why are Variadic Parameters Not Allowed?
The purpose behind Variadic Parameters is Not Allowed is that the declared type is not the same as the variadic parameters that are an array:
class Smartgators {
// Error: Variadic parameter.
public function __construct(public string ...$strings) {}
Further Readings:
For a closer view of Constructor Property Promotion, we need to listen to the Nikita Popov interview. In PHP, for an in-depth outline of article ergonomics, we should listen to Larry Garfield's interview and see different posts.
What type of Validation required for Abstract Trait Methods?
Traits are characterized as "an instrument for code reuse in single legacy dialects, for example, PHP." Ordinarily, they are used to pronounce techniques that can be used in different classes. However, that also includes abstract methods, that simply declare a strategy signature, but the strategy's usage must be done inside the class using the trait.
The PHP manual stated that,
"Upon the exhibiting class to impose requirements traits, support the use of abstract methods."
Additionally, this implies that the marks of the techniques must match. As such, the sort and the number of required contentions should be equivalent.
Anyway, as indicated by Nikita Popov, creator of the RFC, signature approval is right now implemented just inconsistently:
It is not authorized in the most widely recognized case, where the using class gives the technical execution:
It is authorized if the usage originates from a parent class:
It is authorized if the usage originates from a child class:
The following example from Nikita identifies with the main case (not enforced signature):
trait A {
abstract public function test(int $x);
class B {
use A;
// Allowed, but shouldn't be due to invalid type.
public function test(string $x) {}
All things considered, this RFC proposes to consistently toss a lethal mistake if the executing strategy is not viable with the abstract trait method, regardless of its origin:
Fatal error: Declaration of B::test (string $x) must be compatible with A::test (int $x) in /path/to/your/test.php on line 10.
This RFC has been consistently approved.
What purpose of Incompatible Method Signatures?
In PHP 8, inheritance errors because of Incompatible Method Signatures toss either a deadly blunder or an admonition relying upon what is causing the errors. As per Object Interfaces documentation, if the class is implementing an interface, incompatible method signatures may become the cause of different errors.
"The class actualizing the interface must use a method signature which is viable with LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle). Not doing so will bring multiple errors." Here is a case of an inheritance error with an interface:
Inheritance error with an interface, see the example below:
interface I {
public function method(array $a);
class C implements I {
public function method(int $a) {}
The code mentioned in the above example throws the following error in PHP 7.4
Fatal error: Declaration of C::method (int $a) must be compatible with I::method(array $a) in /path/to/your/test.php on line 7
With an incompatible signature in a child, class function will give a warning. From the RFC see the following code;
class C1 {
public function method(array $a) {}
class C2 extends C1 {
public function method(int $a) {}
The code in the above example simply gives a warning according to PHP 7.4:
Warning: Declaration of C2::method(int $a) should be compatible with C1::method(array $a) in /path/to/your/test.php on line 7
Right now, this RFC stated that with incompatible method signatures that always occurred multiple errors.
Fatal error: Declaration of C2::method (int $a) must be compatible with C1::method(array $a) in /path/to/your/test.php on line 7
Why array Starting with a Negative Index?
In PHP, if an array begins with a negative list (start index < 0), the following records will begin from 0 (more on this in array fill documentation). See the example below;
$a = array_fill(-5, 4, true);
The outcome would be the following in PHP 7.4:
array(4) {
According to RFC, to modify things, then the 2nd index will be start_index +1 that will be the value of start_index.
In PHP 8, the code above would result in the following array:
array(4) {
Arrays starting with a negative index with PHP 8, which change their behavior, so, in the RFC, read more about backward incompatibilities?
Union Types 2.0 In PHP 8:
A "union type" acknowledges estimations of many various kinds, instead of a solitary one. PHP as of now supports two unique association types:
Type or null, using the special? Syntax type
Exhibitor Traversable, using the unique type iterable.
However, arbitrary union types are presently not upheld by the language. All things being equal, phpdoc annotations have to be used, such as in the following example:
See the following example according to RFC:
class Smartgators {
* @var int|float $number
private $number;
* @param int|float $number
public function setNumber($number) {
$this->number = $number;
* @return int|float
public function getNumber() {
return $this->number;
The statistics section shows that the use of union types is undoubtedly unavoidable in the open-source environment, just as PHP's standard library.
Supporting union types in the language permits us to move more sort data from phpdoc into function signatures, with the typical points of interest this brings: As per Nikita Popov;
Types are upheld, so missteps can be gotten early.
Since they are upheld, type data is less inclined to get obsolete or miss edge-cases.
Types are checked during inheritance, upholding the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Types are accessible through Reflection.
The linguistic structure is much less standard y than phpdoc.
After generics, union types are as of now the biggest "opening" in our sort affirmation framework.
T1 and T2 syntax are specified used in union type. See the example below
class Number {
private int|float $number;
public function setNumber(int|float $number): void {
$this->number = $number;
public function getNumber(): int|float {
return $this->number;
Supported types:
With certain limitations, union types support all available types.
Void type:
The void type couldn't be important for an association, as void implies that a capacity doesn't give back any worth.
Null type:
The null type is only supported in union types, however; it is used, as an independent sort isn't permitted.
Null able type notation:
The nullable type notation (? T) is also permitted, which means T |null, however, we are not permitted to incorporate the ?T documentation in association types (?T1|T2 isn't permitted and we should utilize T1|T2|null all things being equal).
The same number of capacities (for example strpos(), strstr(), substr(), and so forth) include false among the conceivable return types, the errors pseudo-type is also supported. You can know more about Union Types V2 in the RFC.
For Internal Functions what kind of consistent type errors occurred?
Internal and user-defined functions behave unexpectedly way if using a parameter of illegal type. However, user functions behaved in multiple ways, but user defined functions occurred multiple type error but both based on the condition. On the other hand, typical behavior gives a warning and returns null. According to PHP 7.7, look at the following example;
var_dump(strlen(new stdClass));
This would result in the following warning such as;
Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /path/to/your/test.php on line 4
The behavior will be different in case, the strict type is enabled, or argument information specifies types. In such circumstances, type error occurred in results. That kind of situation occurred multiple issues that will be well explained in RFC’s issues sections. Some internal parameters are made by this RFC proposes that remove these all issues with APIs that always occur a throwing error if the parameter will not match.
In PHP 8, the code mentioned above throws the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strlen(): Argument #1 ($str) must be of type string, object given in /path/to/your/test.php:4
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /path/to/your/test.php on line 4
What does mean by throw Expression?
The throw is a statement in PHP, it is impossible to use in those places where only one expression is required. According to RFC, we can convert throw statement into an expression then that will be used in any kind of context where expressions are allowed such as, null coalesce, operator, arrow functions, ternary and Elvis operators, etc. Look at the following examples form the RFC;
$callable = fn() => throw new Exception();
// $value is non-nullable.
$value = $nullableValue ?? throw new InvalidArgumentException();
// $value is truthy.
$value = $falsableValue ?: throw new InvalidArgumentException();
What are weak maps in PHP 8?
Weak maps allow making a guide from objects to self-assertive qualities (like SplObjectStorage) without forestalling the items that are used as keys from being trash gathered. If the real article key is trash gathered, it will be taken out from the map. In PHP 7.4, top-notch support weak references were presented at the time of introduction. However, commonly weak maps are used in practice but on the other hand, raw weak references are used for a limited time by them.
However, on top of PHP weak references, the efficient weak map are not implemented in a possible way due to destruction callback is not provided for registration. The overall use case for weak maps is to connect information with singular item occasions, without driving them to remain alive and in this manner successfully spill memory in long-running cycles. For example, a week map might be used to memorize a calculation result:
Look at the following example from the RFC:
$map = new WeakMap;
$obj = new stdClass;
$map[$obj] = 42;
With PHP 8, the following result will produce by the above code (see the code in action here):
object(WeakMap)#1 (1) {
array(2) {
object(stdClass)#2 (0) {
If we unset the object, the key is automatically removed from the weak map:
Now the result would be the following:
object(WeakMap)#1 (0) {
For a closer look at Weak maps, see the RFC. The proposal was consistently approved.
What is Trailing Comma in Parameter List?
Well! PHP 7.3 will not have an arrow function (that would be fantastic). However, an excellent addition in PHP 7.3 is trailing commas in function calls that will be valid syntax. In other words, you can use trailing commas when calling functions, but we can’t define them. However, trailing commas in function calls are explicitly helpful for variadic functions. However, PHP 7.2 introduced trailing commas in list syntax, PHP 7.3 introduced trailing commas in function calls, and now in 2020, PHP 8 introduced trailing commas in parameter lists with functions, methods, and closures, as shown in the following example:
lass Foo {
public function __construct(
string $x,
int $y,
float $z, // trailing comma
) {
// do something
This proposal passed with 58 to 1 votes.
How can Allow:: class syntax on objects?
To bring the name of a class, we can use the Foo\Bar:: class syntax. This RFC proposes to stretch out the similar syntax to objects so that it's presently conceivable to bring the name of the class of a given abject as appeared in the example below:
$object = new stdClass;
var_dump($object::class); // "stdClass"
$object = null;
var_dump($object::class); // TypeError
With PHP 8, $object, the class gives a similar outcome as getting class ($object). However, $object isn't an object, it will occur with a Type Error special exception. This proposal was consistently approved.
What is Attributes v2? How can it work?
Attributes are also called annotations Attributes that are a type of organized metadata that can be used to indicate properties for elements, files, or objects. Until PHP 7.4, doc-comments were the best way to add metadata to the declaration of classes, functions, etc. Presently, the Attributes v2 RFC presents attributes for PHP characterizing them as a type of organized, syntactic metadata that can be added to affirmations of classes, properties, methods, parameters, and constants. Before the declarations, they refer to add attributes. From the RFC see the following example that also called annotations, are a type of organized metadata that can be used to determine properties for objects, elements, or files.
class Foo
public const FOO = 'foo';
public $x;
public function foo(<
$object = new <
function f1() { }
$f2 = <
$f3 = <
Attributes can be added before or after a doc-block comment:
/** docblock */
function foo() {}
Each declaration may have one or more attributes and each attribute may have one or more associated values:
function foo() {}
See the RFC for a deeper overview of PHP attributes, use cases, and alternative syntax.
What are the new functions of PHP 8?
There are multiple new functions to language that PHP 8 introduced now such as;
One of the improved used that PHP 8 brings that is the new str_contains function. As the name recommends, it checks if the given hayrick string contains a given string needle then to find out a given string that consists of another string that is used to the strpos() function. However, PHP developers are confused and not able to understand the use of both functions. Look at the given example;
$mystring = 'Managed WordPress Hosting';
$findme = 'WordPress';
$pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
if ($pos !== false) {
echo "The string has been found";
} else {
echo "String not found";
In this example we used! == Comparison operator that check the two types of similar values through which we get an error if the position of the needle is zero:
str_contains functions may give back Boolean FALSE, however, may also give back a non-Boolean worth which assesses to FALSE. [… ] Use the === operator for testing the return estimation of this function.
Besides, a few structures give helper functions to look to an incentive inside a given string (consider Laravel to be documentation for example). Now, this RFC stated the presentation of another function permitting to look inside a string: str_contains.
str_contains ( string $haystack , string $needle ) : bool
However, the use of this function is pretty direct that checks if a $needle is found in $haystack and returns valid or invalid accordingly. So, due to str_contains, we can write the following code:
$mystring = 'Managed WordPress Hosting';
$findme = 'WordPress';
if (str_contains($mystring, $findme)) {
echo "The string has been found";
} else {
echo "String not found";
According to this code, we check that which function is more readable and which have fewer suspects of errors. So, str_contains case is sensitive at the time of writing but that will be changed in the future.
However, the str_contains proposal passed with 43 to 9 votes.
str_starts_with() and str_ends_with():
If you find a needle inside a given string then str_contains presents two updated functions such as str_starts_with and str_ends_with.
We can check both functions if the provided string starts and ends with another function;
str_starts_with (string $haystack , string $needle) : bool
str_ends_with (string $haystack , string $needle) : bool
Return of both functions false if $needle is longer than $haystack. Now, we could try not to use imperfect and less natural functions like substr, strops. Both functions are case sensitive:
$str = "WordPress";
if (str_starts_with($str, "Word")) echo "Found!";
if (str_starts_with($str, "word")) echo "Not found!";
You can see this code in action here.
This RFC has been approved with 51 to 4 votes.
That is the new function in PHP that gives back the type of a variable. The new function works in a significant comparative manner as the get type work, but get_debug_type returns native type names and resolves class names.
According to RFC, two examples are required for doing a difference between both functions such as;
$bar = [1,2,3];
if (!($bar instanceof Foo)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected ' . Foo::class . ', got ' . (is_object($bar) ? get_class($bar) : gettype($bar)));
With PHP 8, we could use get_debug_type, instead:
if (!($bar instanceof Foo)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected ' . Foo::class . ' got ' . get_debug_type($bar));
The Following table shows returning values of get_debug_type and gets type:
Additional RFCs:
Here are some additional approves improvements that will be part of PHP 8.
Stringable interface: This RFC stated that automatically added a string able interface into the __to String() method. The main objective is to use the string|Stringable union type.
New DOM Living Standard APIs in ext/dom: In this RFC, we added the recent DOM Living Standard to the PHP DOM extension by introducing new interfaces and public properties.
Static return type: In PHP 8 proposed the use of static as return type next to self and parent types.
Variable Syntax Tweaks: In this RFC settle some leftover irregularities in PHP's variable sentence syntax.
With the release of the new PHP 8 version, we covered all the modifications and implementation. Now it’s your turn to get ready for testing the upcoming PHP features that one is your favorite? Drop your all queries in the comment section if you want to ask anything. We are available 24/7 a day.